Chairman’s Message

Hi all,

Firstly, Happy New Year! I hope you had a good Christmas and are looking forward to the 2023 YFC calendar 🙂

December, whilst a short month due to the holidays, is always a busy one. At Club level, all continued to meet with festive meetings, Christmas meals / celebrations and numerous Club fundraisers being held.

On the 10th December we held our Entertainments Competition at Thomas Hardye School which saw the highest number of entrants that we have had for a number of years. We were entertained by full competition entries from 4 Clubs with a further filler act, with the hard work in preparing the acts showing on the evening. A big well done to all Clubs involved, and good luck to Puddletown and supporting Clubs who will progress to South West Area on behalf of Dorset YFC.

The evening also saw the results announced for the Harvest Suppers, again the full results being shared in this newsletter. Well done to all who took part – what a brilliant showcase of the County.

Finally the results were announced for the Junior and Senior Member of the Year, with the on stage element of the latter being conducted on the evening. Well done to both Scarlett Hoskin and Joanna House who will progress to the next round at South West Area.

This month we have our Speaking Competitions Day on the 22nd January so I look forward to seeing lots of you there!

 Charlotte Seare

County Chairman


Click here to view our January Newsletter 2023