Chairman’s Message

Hi all,

…And welcome back to all of those members who attended the South West Area weekend at the beginning of March in Weymouth! I would firstly like to say a massive well done to everyone who competed at the weekend and to those who were successful in making it through to the next round – you did the County proud! In addition, I would like to say thank you to everyone that attended. I hope you had a good time and enjoyed the parties, and we were incredibly pleased to have positive reports regarding our members – so thank you!

Well done to those who have taken part in the Calf Show and who have prepared the bale art ready for judging ahead of the rally. I can’t wait to see what you have all created.

April promises to be a big month in the annual calendar again with the rally at the G&S Showground – I look forward to seeing you all there!


Charlotte Seare

County Chairman


Click here to view our April Newsletter 2023